Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Top Five Most Frivolous Cases Filed By New York City Prisoners

Here is the listing of Top Five Most Frivolous Cases Filed By New York City Prisoners

  1. Francis Hugh Smith claimed New York owed him $10 million because
    faulty medical care caused amnesia that made him leave his
    work-release job and forget to return to prison.

  2. Anthony Malloy sought "$989 billion trillion" because he said
    prison guards beat up his jacket, which he was not wearing at the
    time. His case was dismissed.

  3. Anthony Gill claimed secondhand cigarette smoke from other inmates
    caused him medical problems -- altho' he buys cigarettes from the
    prison commissary.

  4. Jose Reyes wants $1000 because the state made him eat vegetable
    diet loaf after he violated prison rules. He said he lost 450g.

  5. Thomas Higgins sued the state for $10,000 because a prison laundry
    machine broke and he claims a constitutional right to clean clothes
    and blankets.


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